Automate vulnerability assessment

Perform vulnerability scans of your IT assets on a regular basis to effectively manage your cyber risk.

A smiling woman in a grey business suit posing next to a stylized icon symbolizing vulnerability analysis.

Automate vulnerability assessment

Perform vulnerability scans of your IT assets on a regular basis to effectively manage your cyber risk.

A smiling woman in a grey business suit posing next to a stylized icon symbolizing vulnerability analysis.

Scan for 100k+ potential security issues

Identify the weakest links

Defining which of your IT assets demand your team’s primary attention is challenging. Scan to get the most out of your cyber risk management efforts.

Stay ahead of adversaries​

Find vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure before attackers can exploit them. Regular internal and external scans accelerate your daily security work.

Scan all types of IT assets​

Protect your cloud and on-premise IT and IoT devices, networks, systems, and applications. Don’t fix single vulnerabilities but their root causes.

Utilize threat intelligence​

Exploitable cyber threats quickly evolve into multistage attacks. Benefit from daily updates of your scan engine and keep up with newest issues.

Our clients feel the difference

Ariel Pisetzky, VP of IT and Cyber at the company Taboola, posing in a black shirt against a grey background.

"We found Autobahn Security to be best-in-class among vulnerability assessment platforms. The Autobahn platform allows us to scan our large internet footprint and provides clear, concise reporting with easy-to-follow remediation instructions."

Ariel Pizetsky
VP of IT and Cyber​

“Something which really caught our eye about Autobahn were the Cyber Fitness Workouts, which provide you with an estimate of how much your remediation actions will reduce overall hacking risk.”

Vivdha Singh
VP of Security at ng-voice

"Autobahn‘s scalability aligns with the envisioned growth for our company, helping us to achieve our (security) goals."

Ayman Matter
IT Director & Security Officer at ESIM Chemicals

3 Steps for effective  vulnerability assessment

A blue and green collage including an eye and magnifying glass illustration among the logos of various security tools.

1. Scan natively or integrate

Scan your IT assets with our built-in scanner or connect your tools. Any vulnerability source will be digested by our ethical hackers.
A collage of two Autobahn Fit screenshots depicting issue status per severity and the Hackability Score.

2. Review your scan results

Check your dashboard or download scan reports. But don’t dwell on the issues as we provide you the solutions.

3. Move on to remediation

With a sense of achievement in kicking off your security measures, begin the next stage – remediation!

Start Fixing with Cyber Fitness Workouts

Autobahn Fit automatically groups your issues by their root cause, then maps them to fixes, Cyber Fitness Workouts, that address the common origin of each issue group.