Take the hassle out of asset management

Discover, connect and integrate your IT assets to optimize and improve cyber workflows.

A smiling man in a yellow T-shirt posing with arms crosses next to a stylized icon depicting IT assets as colorful blocks.

Take the hassle out of asset management

Discover, connect and integrate your IT assets to optimize and improve cyber workflows.

A smiling man in a yellow T-shirt posing with arms crosses next to a stylized icon depicting IT assets as colorful blocks.

Streamline all your assets in one platform

Numerous Blind Spots

Continually and effortlessly optimize your asset discovery and management processes to minimize the number of blind spots in your IT infrastructure.​

Multiple Security Tools

Businesses use multiple tools for vulnerability management: CMDB, Cloud, pentests, scanners, workflow software. Consolidate your entire security toolstack in Autobahn Fit.

Lots of IT Assets

Keep track of your IT architecture as it grows. Connect middleware, applications, cloud, IoT, telco, and more. Because your cyber resilience matters.

Our customers get it

“We continuously track hacking risks for several hundred thousand IT assets. Autobahn Fit consolidates vulnerabilities from our discovery tools, such as Qualys, which helps Allianz remediate vulnerabilities faster and more efficiently.”

Dr. Ralf Schneider 
Group CIO
Ariel Pisetzky, VP of IT and Cyber at the company Taboola, posing in a black shirt against a grey background.

"We found Autobahn Security to be best-in-class among vulnerability assessment platforms. The Autobahn platform allows us to scan our large internet footprint and provides clear, concise reporting with easy-to-follow remediation instructions."

Ariel Pizetsky
VP of IT and Cyber​

"Autobahn‘s scalability aligns with the envisioned growth for our company, helping us to achieve our (security) goals."


Ayman Matter
IT Director & Security Officer at ESIM Chemicals

Two simple steps for asset
management with Autobahn Fit

A cloud illustration depicting the logos of various security tools being funnelled into the Autobahn Fit platform.

Connect your security tools

Integrate with your existing IT and security tools:

  • Cloud platforms
  • Vulnerability scanners
  • CMDBs

Discover internet-facing assets

Provide your seed information, and let Autobahn Fit:

  • Check various data indices such as WhoIs, 
  • CertificateTransparency, etc.
  • Run domain expansions and subsidiary queries
  • Import assets that belong to your organization

Autobahn Fit makes it easy to complete the
important workflow tasks

Autobahn Fit
makes it easy to
complete the important
workflow tasks

A screenshot from the Autobahn Fit platform depicting a dropdown that lets users assign asset owners by name.

1. Assign asset owners

Assign owners for your IT assets. Once done, issues and remediation actions will get assigned automatically.

A screenshot from the Autobahn Fit platform that shows IT asset criticality depicted with 1, 2 or 3 stars.

2. Set asset criticality

Focus on your most critical assets first by rating them from least to most critical.

A screenshot from Autobahn Fit showing the possibility to add issue and asset tags such as 'Linux', 'Windows', and etc.

3. Add asset and issue tags

Use tags for easy tracking and management of assets and open issues. Customize tags to suit your needs.

A smiling man from Autobahn Security in a brown suit and white shirt posing against a green office backdrop.

Manage your IT assets,
the easy way.

Optimizing your asset management is just a few simple steps away. Get in touch with our team to get started today!