Orchestrate your  vulnerability remediation

Remediate smartly and orchestrate neatly. Never get stuck again due to a missing asset owner assignment or software manual.​

A smiling woman in a stripes posing by a stylized icon of a worksheet with a seal of excellence for issue remediation.

Orchestrate your vulnerability remediation

Remediate smartly and orchestrate neatly. Never get stuck again due to a missing asset owner assignment or software manual.​

A smiling woman in a stripes posing by a stylized icon of a worksheet with a seal of excellence for issue remediation.

Remediation is easier than ever with Cyber Fitness Workouts

Save research time​

Skip the stress of browsing manuals and go straight to closing vulnerabilities with Workouts. We do all the remediation research and provide you with step-by-step instructions, so you can dedicate your time to more interesting work.

Reduce overwhelm​

Prioritizing endless amount of tickets, then digging through software manuals and web for the means to fix them can be incredibly frustrating. That’s why we step in, turning information overload into actionable guides. ​

Boost Productivity​

Workouts come prioritized by the effort they take and the impact they will have on your exposure status. Furthermore, they address the root causes behind groups of issues instead of individual flaws, ensuring you deliver efficient fixes.

Cyber fitness is a tried and trusted method

“Something which really caught our eye about Autobahn were the Cyber Fitness Workouts, which provide you with an estimate of how much your remediation actions will reduce overall hacking risk.”

Vivdha Singh
VP of Security at ng-voice

“We continuously track hacking risks for several hundred thousand IT assets. Autobahn Fit consolidates vulnerabilities from our discovery tools, such as Qualys, which helps Allianz remediate vulnerabilities faster and more efficiently.”
Dr. Ralf Schneider 
Group CIO
Ariel Pisetzky, VP of IT and Cyber at the company Taboola, posing in a black shirt against a grey background.

"We found Autobahn Security to be best-in-class among vulnerability assessment platforms. The Autobahn platform allows us to scan our large internet footprint and provides clear, concise reporting with easy-to-follow remediation instructions."

Ariel Pizetsky
VP of IT and Cyber​

Remediate with us to become a tougher
target up to 10x faster

A screenshot from the Autobahn Fit platform showcasing the steps within a Cyber Fitness Workout.

Get automatically assigned tasks​

Build a smooth remediation flow
Autobahn Fit auto-assigns Workouts to asset owners, and the former can also be sent to Jira, ServiceNow, etc.

A screenshot from the Autobahn Fit platform showcasing the steps within a Cyber Fitness Workout.

You don’t have to fix them all
Just focus on the workouts with the highest Hackability reduction. They bring the most impactful results.

A screenshot from the Autobahn Fit platform showcasing the steps within a Cyber Fitness Workout.

Do your Cyber Fitness Workouts​

Select the best remediation option​
​Not sure how to do it?
Take a look at the Prepare section to get oriented.​

A screenshot from the Autobahn Fit platform showcasing the steps within a Cyber Fitness Workout.

Follow the remediation steps​
Mind the caveats. ​We always warn you to ensure you have the best user experience​.

A screenshot from the Autobahn Fit platform depicting a Hackability Score of 31 out of a possible 100.

See your Hackability Score improve

Generate impact with every fix
​Remediate your most critical vulnerabilities and witness your Hackability Score drastically improve.

A screenshot from the Autobahn Fit platform depicting a Hackability Score of 31 out of a possible 100.

Show off your progress
The Score is a KPI your CIO, CISO, COO, CEO, etc. will easily understand. Use it to showcase your efforts.

Workouts in depth:
FAQs about cyber fitness​

You do not need to start researching a vulnerability from scratch because we’ve already done it for you. We look at multiple sources and create easy to follow step-by-step guides – saving you lots of time​

With Autobahn Security, you have the option to use fully customized dashboards that allow you to track the Hackability Score calculation of each subsidiary or entity separately. This feature enables you to compare different entities and track their remediation progress.

No, your remediation team can work on their preferred platform. Autobahn Security provides flexible integrations with various ticketing systems and tools to ensure seamless collaboration and integration into your existing workflow.
A friendly woman from Autobahn Secruity dressed in a white shirt smiling and posing against a blurry office background.

Get remediating!

Cut through the noise and start fixing – Workouts empower everyone in your team to remediate issues with ease.