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Woman in a black vest posing beside icons of a security shield and a magnifying glass, symbolizing issue reporting insight.


Autobahn’s Cyber Fitness focusses on creating impact through remediation instead of tracking long lists of vulnerabilities. This helps you and your team to prioritize which tasks to focus on first.


We are constantly expanding our integration capabilities based on the needs of our customers. Currently we offer the following integrations:

  • Cloud integrations: Autobahn Security currently offers integrations for AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. Uploading your cloud credentials allows us to retrieve a list of your running instances. We will automatically add your cloud IPs — along with the other assets we find using our industry leading Asset Discovery.

  • Third-party scanners: Autobahn Security currently offers integrations with several of the leading vulnerability scanners on the market. Linking a third-party scanner account to Autobahn Security enables you to import scan results into the Autobahn Security platform, so we can help you cluster and prioritize these into our signature Cyber Fitness Workouts.

  • SIEM: Once the scanner findings are aggregated and prioritized with our platform, you can easily send your vulnerability data to the SIEM using the CIM standard. This vulnerability information from Autobahn Security can then be correlated with other data sources, such as asset management tools or SOC logs.

  • Ticketing tools

Autobahn Security aggregates all findings in one platform, offering a single pane of glass for you to review your vulnerabilities. If there are duplicate issues found across multiple scanners, Autobahn Security aggregates them, deduplicates and groups the remaining findings by the underlying issue . This means that your team can focus on a single impactful Workout that solves multiple issues, instead having to manually merge duplicate issues and implement thousands of similar fixes, streamlining the workflow and making the remediation of vulnerabilities more efficient.

Autobahn uses a variety of data sources to effectively map your company’s internet footprint. We use DNS scanning, Internet scanning, subdomain generation through brute forcing subdomains, WHOIS, and SSL certificates, TLS/SSL scanning, as well as cloud scanning. We currently also have an integration with AWS and will soon integrate with other cloud services.

Autobahn Security identifies vulnerabilities in network devices, IoT, ICS, custom web apps, cloud/third party services, off-the-shelf software, hardware, and telco components. This allows us to find gaps in network segregation, system architecture, implementation security, credential management, patch management, and secure application development.

Autobahn Security identifies vulnerabilities in network devices, IoT, ICS, custom web apps, cloud/third party services, off-the-shelf software, hardware, and telco components. This allows us to find gaps in network segregation, system architecture, implementation security, credential management, patch management, and secure application development.

Autobahn Security includes a scanner, so you do not need to have your own. However, if you prefer to use your own scanner, you are welcome to — Autobahn Security can seamlessly integrate with your existing scanner.

Yes, we offer agentless scanning. We eliminate the need for agents, providing a more streamlined and efficient scanning process.

Yes, Autobahn Security currently offers integrations with several of the leading vulnerability scanners on the market. We are working on incorporating other scanning tools and can add your requests/preferences on the roadmap.


Vulnerability prioritization helps security teams and companies increase their cyber resilience by focusing on the right tasks. On top of that, Autobahn Security automates remediation guidance and ticket creation.

Our team of white hat hackers goes beyond the traditional CVSS score approach to assess vulnerabilities. They evaluate the attractiveness of the identified vulnerability to potential hackers to determine their real risk, based on over 15 years of experience in cybersecurity consultancy. Learn more here.

If you deem the risk as acceptable, you can mark a vulnerability as “risk-accepted” and it will no longer affect your Hackability Score.

Autobahn Security offers integration with ticketing systems such as Jira, allowing for seamless incorporation of identified vulnerabilities into your existing workflow. Additionally, we provide granular permissions to end-user roles to ensure that the security assessment aligns with your organization’s specific structures and processes.

The prioritization process is automated from the user’s perspective, but it is supervised and evaluated by our team of experts in the background. This approach ensures a comprehensive and accurate evaluation of identified vulnerabilities.


Autobahn helps you and your company create an overview of the most important vulnerabilities your company faces. In our dashboard and reports, we tell you what you should do in the short term, and the long term. This takes the guesswork out of improving your security.

Autobahn Security’s curated Cyber Fitness Workouts provide easy-to-follow remediation steps that everyone in your IT team can follow. As Autobahn Security has one of the lowest false positive rates in the industry, your team will always be working on reducing real threats. Learn more here.

Cyber Fitness Workouts are step-by-step remediation guidelines designed to improve your organization’s cybersecurity posture. They are written by a team of technical writers and cybersecurity professionals to ensure that they are easily followed by security and non-security experts.

With Autobahn Security, you have the option to use fully customized dashboards that allow you to track the Hackability Score calculation of each subsidiary or entity separately. This feature enables you to compare different entities and track their remediation progress.

No, your remediation team can work on their preferred platform. Autobahn Security provides flexible integrations with various ticketing systems and tools to ensure seamless collaboration and integration into your existing workflow.

You do not need to start researching a vulnerability from scratch because we’ve already done it for you. We look at multiple sources and create easy to follow step-by-step guides – saving you lots of time​


Autobahn Security offers a range of reports, including Excel reports of vulnerabilities, management summary exports, industry benchmarking reports, and cyber risk reports. This report will give you an overview of your security posture, so you know how attractive you are to hackers.

Autobahn Security provides a single KPI Hackability Score, which is easy to understand and serves as a reliable measure of your organization’s cybersecurity posture. This feature helps simplify the reporting process to management. The Hackability Score summarizes the security posture of all your assets into one single number, allowing you to easily track improvement, benchmark, and report to stakeholders. Watch this video for more info about the Hackability Score.

Autobahn Security helps you and your company improve, or create if you have not yet, an overview of the most important vulnerabilities your company faces. In our actionable and to-the-point dashboard and reports, we guide you through what needs to be done both in the short and long term. Autobahn Security also allows you to benchmark your results against your previous reports to show the remediation progress. This helps your team set KPIs and decide whether external help is necessary.

Our primary metric is the Hackability Score, a single KPI that summarizes the security posture of all assets into one single figure, providing a clear picture of the overall security posture of your company.

Firstly, we categorize our findings into three security best practice areas: insufficient hardening, missing patching and unnecessary exposure.

Then, we classify the vulnerabilities based on severity and business impact:

+ Severity 4: Instantly exploitable vulnerabilities

+ Severity 3: Exploit fragment that can be used to craft a successful attack

+ Severity 2: Vulnerability that may reveal sensitive information to enable further attackers

+ Severity 1: Best practice deviation

Afterwards, we use a proprietary formula to calculate the Hackability Score per finding type.

Finally, we calculate the absolute Hackability Score which is the sum of the individual Hackability across all assets. Then, we normalize this Hackability Score based on the number of exposed services to compare organizations within industries.

The Hackability Score stands out from similar metrics offered by other vendors because it does not rely solely on CVSS scores. Our approach involves a human touch, with our team of white-hat hackers evaluating the actual Hackability of identified vulnerabilities. This approach provides a more realistic assessment of the real-world risks posed by identified vulnerabilities.

Autobahn Security helps you understand the security posture of your company. Comparing you to similar-sized industry peers allows you to understand if you are more vulnerable and thus need to step up your remediation efforts, or helps you focus security best practice areas where you underperform.