Automatically prioritize vulnerabilities

We equip you with your new digital security analyst who takes tedious manual prioritization work off your plate.

A guy smiling with his arms crossed and posing in a black T-shirt next to a stylized icon of a prioritized list of issues.

Automatically prioritize vulnerabilities

We equip you with your new digital security analyst who takes tedious manual prioritization work off your plate.

A guy smiling with his arms crossed and posing in a black T-shirt next to a stylized icon of a prioritized list of issues.

Automate the exhausting work of a security analyst

Leverage expert knowledge​

Doing exploitability checks, severity re-assessments, false positives checks, and security intelligence demand hands-on involvement. Benefit from our 14+ years of ethical hacking experience to achieve more with fewer resources.

Reduce manual work​

Free up precious time for your Security and DevOps teams by excluding tedious, error-prone workflows from everyday work. Automate false positive checks, issue severity reclassification, and other repetitive tasks.

Remove misleading data​

To overcome the weaknesses of CVSS and other static scores, you need to merge information from various data sources and tools. We enrich your findings so your Security, DevOps, and IT Teams face less noise.​

Shrink your security reports ​

To improve hacking resilience, you need to prioritize your efforts based on realistic data that accounts for context. Our prioritization helps you focus on issues that matter to hackers​ but often get overlooked due to messy data. ​

“Companies gain little insight from their cyber data – until Autobahn Fit prioritizes and translates that data into actions.”

Dr. Karsten Nohl​

Chief Scientist at Autobahn Security​

A portrait picture of ethical hacker and Autobahn Security founder Karsten Nohl smiling in a grey hoodie.

“Companies gain little insight from their cyber data – until Autobahn Fit prioritizes and translates that data into actions.”

Dr. Karsten Nohl​

Chief Scientist at Autobahn Security​

A portrait picture of ethical hacker and Autobahn Security founder Karsten Nohl smiling in a grey hoodie.

Outsource tasks to your automated security analyst

Illustration of a 3-step funnel in orange, grey and green depicting how Autobahn Fit clusters and prioritizes cyber issues.

Automated prioritization makes you a tougher target


What’s better - neat groups of similar issues or long unstructured reports? Grouping vulnerabilities with the same root cause would take your team serious time and resources. We automate that to save you the stress.


What’s easier - doing 6 impactful Workouts or fixing 500k issues 1 by 1?

Swap hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities for a dozen Cyber Fitness Workouts, our signature step-by-step remediation packages.


What’s more trustworthy - proven attack vectors or hypothetic flaws? While we enrich and reassess your issues, you can focus on active flaws rather than those that can only theoretically be exploited.

Your next best action right after you log in​

A collage of two screenshots from Autobahn Fit showing a small and a medium effort Cyber Fitness Workout, respectively.
A bearded man from Autobahn Security in a grey shirt smiling and posing with crossed arms on a blurry office background.

Ready to prioritize?

Prioritize your security issues like a hacker would do it and strengthen your cyber defenses, quickly.