Remediate cyber risk 90% faster

Transform your vulnerabilities into prioritized remediation instructions and save precious time with Autobahn Fit.

A man next to a stylized cloud storage, ready to remediate cyber risk.

Remediate cyber
risk 90% faster

Transform your vulnerabilities into prioritized remediation instructions and save precious time with Autobahn Fit.

A man next to a stylized cloud storage, ready to remediate cyber risk.
The official logo of insurance company Allianz.
The official logo of content recommendation platform Taboola.
The official logo of Swiss Post, the national postal service of Switzerland

Run the full vulnerability remediation workflow
in 5 easy steps

Asset management

Connect your asset, vulnerability and workflow tools into one single pane of glass

Vulnerability assessment

Scan for 100k+ potential issues with our built-in scanner or integrate your own vulnerability tools

Vulnerability prioritization

Automate boring security analyst’s work and get rid of noise from overinflated vulnerabilities

Vulnerability remediation

Get step-by-step remediation guides for your IT teams and boost remediation speed

Vulnerability reporting

Get transparency, track your cyber resilience, and report with the Hackability Score

Effortlessly manage your Cybersecurity at any scale

Prioritize, manage and report hacking resilience

Streamline your cyber risk workflow from A to Z, easily. Just connect your tools and vulnerability data, and let Autobahn Fit be your automated security analyst.

Manage and eliminate cyber risk using one suite

Kick off and keep up with your vulnerability efforts. Autobahn Fit enables all IT teams to remediate issues effectively, even without prior security experience.

Our clients get it

“We continuously track hacking risks for several hundred thousand IT assets. Autobahn Fit consolidates vulnerabilities from our discovery tools, such as Qualys, which helps Allianz remediate vulnerabilities faster and more efficiently.”

Dr. Ralf Schneider 
Group CIO
Ariel Pisetzky, VP of IT and Cyber at the company Taboola, posing in a black shirt against a grey background.

“The Autobahn platform provides clear, concise reporting. We see Autobahn Security as a partner in maintaining outstanding hacking resilience at Taboola.”

Ariel Pizetsky
VP of IT and Cyber​

“Something which really caught our eye about Autobahn were the Cyber Fitness Workouts, which provide you with an estimate of how much your remediation actions will reduce overall hacking risk.”

Vivdha Singh
VP of Security at ng-voice

Find the right Autobahn Fit for your team

Double your security capacity

Automate tedious processes like issue prioritization, quantity your resilience with Hackability and collaborate with ease on one central security platform.

Scale your remediation efforts

Fix issues efficiently and spend 97% less time on research with readily prioritized remediation Workouts. Reduce alert fatigue with auto-assignment of tasks.

Get cyber transparency

Use the Hackability Score to quantify your security posture, break silos, and extend compliance. Maximize your resources with automation.

A bearded man from Autobahn Security in a grey shirt smiling and posing with crossed arms on a blurry office background.

Ready to get cyber-fit?
Let’s go!

A bearded man from Autobahn Security in a grey shirt smiling and posing with crossed arms on a blurry office background.

Whether you want to jumpstart your vulnerability remediation efforts, or seek ways to improve existing cyber workflows – we’ve got you covered!